Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Staging The Outside

It's August people....AUGUST!!!! Mid August to be exact.  What does this mean? Back to school in just a few short weeks.  This summer has FLOWN by and we didn't do anything I wanted to do. Well, we got married...that's the one thing I wanted that we did do.  Instead of doing wonderful things with the kids we decided to the same time as our parents.  They want their dream house on a lake, and they got it.  We will be purchasing their house which has about twice the room as the house we are currently in.

My mom is a house selling genius and knows what the buyers are going to want to see and what they don't want to see.  So what does this have to do with my current house? It needed A LOT of work.

Our House when we first bought it in 2009
The Front was WAY over landscaped and overgrown and because of our frost this Spring, a lot of the bushes that were once ok looking, were now very ugly.  One weekend we decided to just go to work on it. We bought red mulch...and more red mulch.  We bought so much mulch the store was probably getting sick of seeing us.  We pulled out enough weeds to fill our whole yard and make it at least green with weeds.  And we dug up a million and seven lily bulbs.

This wasn't ALL of the lilies
It was a lot of hard work but it looks amazing now and more clean.  Nevaeh was such a trooper through it.  It was hot out and she basically had to entertain herself between the small jobs we could give her.  Along the way I found a friend for her that kept her busy for a couple hours actually.
So cross your fingers the outside will draw some attention.  Now, I must go pick those nasty weeds that are trying to invade my pretty red mulch!

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