Sunday, September 20, 2015

Keeping The Moon By Sarah Dessen

You know, I'm a mom; you know what that means?  I can't run away when I want to.  So why not mentally run away in a book? If you don't like to read or just don't do it, it works, trust me.

So here it FIRST book review.

Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen

Sarah Dessen is an author writing for young adults.  Young adult books tend to be faster reads for me. This one I started a few months ago, put it down while moving and finished a majority of it within the last week.

The main character - Colie was a troubled teen who spent her life moving from town to town while her mother tried to create a stable life for the two of them.  They were both overwheight until her mom found her calling being a fitness guru and became known world-wide. Colie followed her mothers diet and exercise plan and soon became a healthy weight herself.  But the "fat Colie" never really went away.

Her mother decided to have Colie stay one summer with her Aunt in a new unfamiliar town.  She wasn't thrilled but soon learned to deal with it and meet new friends.  Colie spent the summer with her Aunt Mira learning how to love herself and how to let things go.  She got a job at a restaurant, by accident, called The Last Chance.  Here she met the girls that changed her looks and feelings and met the guy that made her look beyond what was on the outside.

I did find this book to be a tad slower and kinda boring, but like I said, Dessen writes for young adults.  It was good though.  Made you want to "let go" of that inner fat child. ;)

If you read it or have, let me know what you think of it.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Let the Lake memories BEGIN

My parents bought their dream house on a lake and with this lake comes a lot of fish. :)  We are a family that loves to fish...not to eat them, but to  On Labor day we went there for dinner and some time on their beach and did some fishing.

You can see how shallow the water is where they are fishing.  That's where all the little fish were that were dumb enough to bite the worm.  ;)  It was FUN though.  Of course, though, it being Nevaeh's first time fishing, she thinks fish are suppose to bite right away.  Oh well, she loved it.  And she loves the beach.

Connor decided to take the line off one of the polls because I guess it was too weak or something...
It seemed to take him forever to get it done.  The new line that he put on wasn't working right for some reason, or operator error, however you want to look at it.
He finally got it done.....
and casts it out.
All the pulling of the new line off of the poll (or whatever you call it - I don't know fish talk) he didn't have enough line to fish with....HAHA the line went in the water along with the bobber and bate.  

Oh good times.

I love that this is just the start of many memories to be made on this lake.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Holy Cow - Busy Busy Busy...

First and foremost, moving sucks!  I still can't see the end of the tunnel with all my boxes everywhere.  I mean, how does one family of 4 create so much stuff!?  On the plus side, my craft space is being created.

Stay tuned for new updates on it...I'm so excited to be able to have my own space even if I do have ugly paneling walls and I have to share with the cats.  

Among moving we've had a lot of other stuff going on.  My son is a Freshman this year and has been working all summer on making the JV football team.  Which has been a lot of work on my vehicle too.  The day after he found out that he did make the JV team, I got a call from the team Doc saying Connor has a concussion.  It was a scary few days after.  Seeing your child not being able to properly process things and miss his nose and mouth is not something a mother wants to experience. Thankfully the team Doc is amazing and put him through a lot of tests before allowing him to even run again.  This, however, meant he had to miss the first 2 games.  But he got to play in his 3rd game! He couldn't make it through the game without hurting himself again though...I'm telling ya, that Doc and I are going to become real close.  He ended up dislocating his finger but they were able to get it back in and tape it up so he could go back in. 

We've also had Nevaeh's soccer, first days of school and our first illness make it's way into little Ms. Nevaeh's little body.  So far Nevaeh has loved school.  She's only gone for a day and a half and then has had to miss her 3rd day (today) because she's not feeling good.  

Oh my gosh, I can't forget the Fair.  We HAD to take a day to go to the Fair in town.  Papa always takes the kids to the Fair.  Right now the only one young enough to enjoy it with his still is Nevaeh. So the three of us went to the Fair.  I enjoyed people watching while they rode rides, then we got yummy junk food to eat and Nevaeh and I got our picture taken with a desert fox.  The poor thing is nocturnal so every time someone wanted a picture with it, they had to wake him up.  He was so soft though. 

So. sorry it's been a while.  This is what's been going on.  I'm looking forward to getting into all my fun stuff and show you all what I create and creating new things!!!!!!!! Maybe a recipe in there somewhere. ;)